21 September 2006

Remembering Vocab

How does everyone remember vocab? I'm doing German now, and drawing pictures about the words, and repeating the words to myself doesn't work. Labeling everything I see doesn't help. Yelling it at myself seems to work at a rate of one word per hour or two.

Next attempt is Cue-Cards, but I'm too late to learn my second page and a half of vocab for tomorrow's quiz.

Ugh, this is garbage.

And I think I'm a John Reuben fan. Need iTunes money.


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Dayna Curtis said...

I used to put the words to songs... me and my friend would be in the library thinking of songs and the security guy would always come by telling us to be quiet. I remember singing the song "Getting to know you" for some verbs but I don't remember any of it now. The only way I think to really remember is to do a bit at a time and not try to remember 200 words a couple of days before the test. I know, easier said than done!

Tammy Williams said...

When I did German, I would write the word on a cue card and on the back write the definition. I would do this in my spare time or in the evenings and then spend about an hour going over them. Then in the morning, on my way to school on the bus, I would take out the cards and review them again. It worked so well that I started doing it with my Legal definitions in Philosophy. Hope this works for you.