14 September 2006


I literally feel sick after watching this. I almost threw up in my mouth. Seriously.

I stopped watching it, but had to come back to finish it.

This is done in the name of my Jesus?

I'm almost thinking this isn't even as bad:


Dayna Curtis said...

Where did you find these? I'd be very interested in knowing... it's horrid and you're right, the first one IS worse than the second... WAKE UP CHRISTIANS!

Josh said...

Found them on YouTube. "KonaYaweh" on the relevantmagazine.com forums pointed one out, and "Devils_Advocate" the other

Tammy Williams said...

Oh dear...they are both bad! The more this continues, the more racial profiling will be brought back to America. Jeremy has a friend who was born in Iran but grew-up in America with his adoptive parents. Is HE going to be safe from Slander now? Will he be tortured because of his race. This is all so rediculous and Christians should know better. I can't believe those children could be so influenced by their father to say such evil things to that reporter. Just goes to show that if those boys were influenced, so are the other ones in Iran who are chanting prayers of martyrdom.

Continuing to pray for this country.