02 August 2006

Salad and Drifting

So I had nothing to do again today. I turned on my X Box and played Chromehounds for another hour and a half, but then departed to Staples to put in my notice that I'll be finishing with the company soon. I also took the time to beg for more hours.

After all this, I visited my friend Ashley who now works in the Dominion Salad Bar. She's a Salad-Bartender. I bought a bar, diet pepsi, and caeser salad, which I ate in the car without a fork. It was pretty funny, so I thought I'd share that. People stared.

Finally, do you ever get that feeling? Like you've been cut loose, and are randomly drifting. You don't know if you're drifting towards or away from something, and what exactly that something is. It's not a very fun feeling.

I need to blow something up.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

We'll blow something up if we go camping.