30 December 2006

Steeped in Fiction

Here I am. I've been watching Battlestar Galactica for only about a week now, and I've covered about 25 hours of it.

I've played more Video Games in the past few days than in the whole month prior to coming home. Part of that has to do with lack of money, and now an excess of free time, but in some ways it feels good.

The psychologist dude I went to talk to in St. John's talked about escapism. I've been thinking about escapism, what he's said, and what I've read. Escapism becomes a problem when, like anything else, it gets overused or abused. A few years back, I found a book completely published online. I read it nonstop for a whole weekend. By the end of the weekend, I had to think a few seconds before I remembered where I was, and that my best friend's name was not "Sharon."

I don't think I'm approaching that level of absurdity right now, but I'm always wary. I'm going to call these past few days entertainment, but I worry what's going to happen to me over the next semester. Good friends will be gone, and I'm going to have a whole lot more time, what with not having any labs or anything. I plan on getting a job, but how busy is that going to keep me, really? And will it just fuel this addiction to fiction that sometimes rears it's head.

Is that "addiction" even a problem?

It's going to be an interesting few months. I'm hoping for a few blissful bumps along the way, but I hope it's less ... gross ... than the past few months.

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