11 December 2006

Chapters Adventure

So, fed up with waiting for Catherine to get her act together (=P), I decided that instead of calling my Chapters quest off, I'd continue on, and go alone.

I'm proud to announce that after some looking around, and talking to Suyen, I grabbed an armchair, Root Beer, and read my book a little.

While at Chapters, I experienced (rather, sensed from fifty feet away) the magic of a Rex Goudie signing. Apparently he had security guards. Root Beer came out of my nose as I heard this.

After browsing for a while, I've decided that once I've dug through my pile of "read me" books, I want to get Plato's Republic. I felt quite superior thumbing through philosophy and religion books while Rex Goudie fans jumped up and down. It was a jerkish feeling, but seriously ... Rex Goudie.

A side note: I was almost ready to buy a Qur'an, but 1) Chapters didn't have any, and 2) to order one would be $140. Maybe later, hey?

Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis was there, which I want to get, but decided against getting for now.

Books in my cue for reading:

Have to Finish
Shadows of the Empire
Saddam's Secrets
Sophie's World
Josephus: The Essential Works
Need to Start
Eusebius: The Church History
The End Of History And The Last Man

Wow, that's only six. I must be forgetting some.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't be hatin'. Rex is pretty good! Let the little girls have their obsession.