13 December 2006

Strange Compliments

It's strange.

The most genuine compliment I've received in a while was as follows:

"... but by my definition you're an agnostic because you are open to other possibilities--this is regardless of the fact that you still believe God exists."

That gives me the warm fuzzies. I guess you have to understand the context.

Reminds me of the time that the nicest thing a person had done for me in a while was offer me a cigarette. And the time when a classmate tossed me a beer.


Anonymous said...

Don't take it as a compliment - didn't it come from the same person who said ... "The only way to stop religious wars is to kill every religious person on the planet. Same goes for stupid and diseased people. Honestly? I don't know why the mentally-retarded are still alive. They're just leeches!"
Josh, you may consider these "intelligent debates" but I find it rather immature and narrow!!! Please move on and talk to people who really CARE about what you feel and think!

Josh said...

Hey, he's allowed to be wrong.

And are you serious? So I'm just going to stop talking to somebody when there's a respectful discussion going on?

I don't agree with him, and I don't have to. But I'm understanding him.

I'm actually quite shocked at your attitude.


Anonymous said...

Not stop "talking" to him but don't let the comments seep too far inward! Relax - I'm getting older, my attitude is changing!

By the way ... I hate the word identification thing - I can never pick it out!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cold Wolf said - "The only way to stop religious wars is to kill every religious person on the planet. Same goes for stupid and diseased people. Honestly? I don't know why the mentally-retarded are still alive. They're just leeches!"

These ideas of Cold Wolf sound very familiar. I think the term is "eugenics", the biggest champion of which was a gentleman by the name of Adolph Hitler. You are in morally esteemed company, Cold Wolf!

I also think Cold Wolf is in for a shock when he discovers that he also has a religion and he is obviously very religiously minded within its theological framework.

Also, the international scientific community needs to hear from Cold Wolf. He seems to have an explanation and solution for how life originated and developed in primordial times. The established scientific community is admittedly still quite puzzled about this but ... our friend Cold Wolf .... he's got it figured.