04 December 2006


This is going to be long, since I want to tell two stories that are related, plus I need to rave about my night.

Story #1 actually happened. It's actually pretty short. I'll just dive in.

After church last night, a group of us decided "Hey! Let's go to A&W!" So we did. I had a Mozza Burger with Swiss Cheese. Doesn't that make it NOT a mozza burger? Anyways, much fun was had, especially when we started talking about cartoon shows and the like. Some were speechless when I outlined my plan for a Coup: a simple plan for a better Salvation Army (Note: I was joking). I think people started yelling at me when I outlined how we would invade IHQ.

Anyways. After this, the group split. Long story short, Rebecca and I discussed marriage. I believe my exact words were: "... I mean, c'mon. I'm totally wicked, and you're kind of okay. It could work." Much laughter was had, and my approach was questioned. I honestly can't understand why.

Story #2 is a dream, that I believe was heavily influenced by Story #1, My "Govenator" T-Shirt, and the discussion of movies that Greg and I had.

There were a bunch of us. The whole "Gang" from the citadel, plus some others. We were on a cruise ship, and I'm honestly not sure if it was a space-ship, or a regular boat. Anyways, Rebecca and I were somehow married, and I, yes I, was pregnant.

Some game was being played, which included much running. When I ran to the front of the ship, I met Mr. Ahnold Schvatzeneggah (I am aware that this is the incorrect spelling).

"I see that you are carrying a baby."
"Uuh, what?"
"You are pregnant."
"Uuh, yeah, I guess I am."
"It's rough."
"It is."
A pause.
"Hey, you were pregnant, right?" I ask.
"Yes. In Junior." (It's a movie for those who don't know)
"How did you get through it."

Yes, Manly Man Arnold and I had a conversation about pregnancy. I just thought that was so hilarious.

Anyways, my night:

The girls decided they would have a sleepover, in their typical girlie fashion. Rebecca, Stephanie, and Catherine, went somewhere, to have this celebration of the night. Greg and I decided we'd do the same.

He came over to the house, and watched movies.

First we watched Dragon Ball Z ... one of the movies. I honestly cannot believe how much I've missed that show. Some of it was foolish, but I can't say I don't like it. Gogeta kicks ass.

Then we watched V for Vendetta. I didn't expect much from that movie, but I really liked it. A fairly compelling storyline, great vocabulary, and decent fight scenes. I'd watch it again in a heartbeat.

This morning, after some breakfast, we watched Starship Troopers. I really enjoyed that, since it's sort of a Sci-Fi classic I've been meaning to see. A fair bit of cheese, and gore, but great nonetheless.

Then Greg and I played Halo 2. I'd forgotten how awesome multiplayer really is.

Now I need to reconstruct my room, and give some serious thought to studying. Foolishly, the past two months of notes were simply dumped on my floor, and there's an unsorted pile retaining the knowledge that I need to review. Appropriately enough, said pile is underneath my garbage can right now.

This is going to take a while.

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