30 December 2006

Good Times

Despite the great times I'm having home, there are some people I wish I didn't have to see again.

I remember why, in some ways, I tried to abandon my old circle of friends. The core was great, but the fringes weren't so awesome. Now, I don't know what else I could have done. I ran to a group that I thought would be better for me, to discover that though the moral fiber was there, I wasn't going to fit. Nobody seemed to want me to fit.

Now I look forward to St. John's again. Half of the group of friends I fit best with there, are leaving on the 15th-16th of January. And those are the friends I fit best with. I feel like running away for a while. Just seeing where else I can be. Just experience stuff.

But I don't think this is the time to punch out. This feeling will probably pass, and I'll be comfortable down in my social and academic rut once again.

Something is wrong with where I am. And I don't know what it is, or how to fix it.

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