01 December 2006

Searching for a Complaint

I have a huge respect for George Bush. Is he the most brilliant man on earth? No. Would I like to serve under him if he Annexed Canada? No. But the man takes so much flack, and still hasn't killed himself.

I've come to accept that somebody, somewhere will always complain about something. It sucks, because obviously, I'd prefer if everyone were happy, but that's not happening. I just have to ignore it, I guess, which is really hard for me.

I came across this while blog-hopping today. I thought it was pretty neat. Wierd? Yes. Helpful? Heck yes.

This is comforting to me. With all the fuss about this stuff, I'm always afraid Canada will pull out of Afghanistan, and the US will pull out of Iraq. It'd be like running to somebody's crappy house, kicking it over, stating "We'll help you build a better one!" and then leaving before the work is finished. Do I agree with the Americanization of every living being? Of course not! But the more I read of The End Of History, the more I realize that these people need Democracy.

I'm not entirely sure it's happening the best way, but it'll have to be 2040 before we can look back and say the Iraq war was a mistake, or we should have gone about bringing democracy to Afghanistan a different way.

EDIT: More exiting articles!

A whale of a jerk, and Church gang wars in China.

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