12 March 2007


It's funny: Here I am, a Christian, believing in the truth of scripture, but when I see it correlating to history in some way, I'm shocked.

Tonight I went to Corps Cadets at the Citadel, and sat in on one of the classes there. The class was discussing the book of Esther, and the story therein. While I was reading through the first chapter or two, I was hit by the startling realization that Esther married the king of Persia. King Xerxes I.

King Xerxes I was the Persian king who waged the Greco-Persian War, where Greece was invaded, and eventually repelled the invaders. A prominent battle (a tactical loss, but a victory in morale for the Greeks) was the Battle of Thermopylae. The battle that the recently viewed 300 is based on.

Crazy stuff, hey? I love when that stuff fits together. I just spent a half hour reading about the Greco-Persian War on Wikipedia. Neat stuff, let me tell you. Those Spartans had it going on.

1 comment:

Pippa said...

Hey! Was reading you're blog and totally agree with you on this! It's so awesome as a Christian to see that the Bible is true, God is the author of history and what i believe is not rubbish as so many tell me! From a Christian in London, UK