28 March 2007

Ich habe keine Lust.

Yay for new German phrases. Already today I've shouted "Das ist wahnsinn!" (that's insanity), "Mach keine Witze!" (make no jokes), and "Quatsch!" (That's crap). I've also told people "Ich habe keine Lust." which basically means "I have no energy" or "I have no drive."

I've also changed my MSN name to "Der Josh," since a) it's German, and b) it moves me up on people's MSN lists, and will mess them up.

Today was a crash-day for me. Everything mood-related has been elevated for me since last Friday, for various reasons. Today, for no reason at all, it all came crashing down.

I realized again how terrible my writing is. I understood anew the idiocy that I put forward on a daily basis. I phoned home, and got berated like a child for the first time in a while.

Well, that's not true. I just felt like I had. Mom and Dad are looking out for me, I'm sure. But right now I just want to be an idiot.

Anyways, that's not exciting to talk about.

Actually, there's not really much exciting to talk about. I think I'll just end this, and go to bed. Only one class tomorrow morning, which means the last day before my Philosophy paper due, is the most opportune time to do it. I'd go to JoBoss to do my writing, but that means $4 on a Caramel Machiato. Perhaps I'll take an extra juice tomorrow, and imagine it has magical paper-writing powers.


Dayna Curtis said...

What's your msn address? I don't have you on my list. Email it to me if you want... love ya!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what they meant, but I was too lazy to ask! haha