14 March 2007

About Me

Some things I've noticed (or have been pointed out) about me:

I start 90% of my blog posts with the word "So." I go back after and delete it most of the time.

When I get excited about a point I'm about to make, or making, I start to tap on the edge of the table with my index finger. Apparently I tap like a retard, and can at times shake the table. My fingers hurt afterwards if I think about it.

About half of the stories I tell about my "friends" are actually about me.

I internally obsess about how I look much of the time, but I rarely do anything about it.

I fantasize about knowing foreign languages a lot. I imagine situations where a Chinese (Or German, or Japanese, or Italian, or whatever else) person is standing around. I say "Hi" in their language, and amaze everybody around me.

I've pretty much accepted the fact that my dreams are foolish and likely will not be realized, but I still hang on to the notion that I'll spend a year or two in each of Germany, Russia, Israel, China, and Japan.

I've started to write six stories in the past two years, but have quit every time before the third chapter, often in the first.

In all six of those stories, I'm pretty sure the protagonist has the same name: Alex.

I get fixated on certain people a lot. I spend much time and energy trying to please them, and grow a closer friendship with them. It's unhealthy, and it has never paid off.

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