15 November 2006

Slackish Week

Last night I stressed myself out, trying to figure out if I had a Math test today, or if that was last week. Answer: no Math test today. I thought I was safe ...

I walked into my Computer Science class to a silent horde of people. More silent than usual, i mean. As I examined the classroom, people were reading their CS textbooks. I had an inkling as to what was happening, but I needed my fears confirmed.

I asked Jeremy: "Uuh, what's going on?"


"Ooh. Test. In ... Computer Science."

He looked at me quizzically.

"Not Math." I stated simply.

"Do you have an extra pencil I could borrow?"

I dumped my stash of eight sharp pencils on the desk, where both of us could reach them, and the Professor started handing out paper.

It wasn't that bad, actually. I wrote the test fine, my only hiccup coming when I forgot how to do a particular kind of loop. I still managed to bang out some code, but it was about three times as long as it should have been. Hopefully marks will not be docked.

I also had a look at Assignment 6, which was handed back to me. I'm about ready to throw it back at the teacher. I got an 8/10 on one exercise, which, while good, should have easily been 10/10. Why would I be so presumptuous, you might ask? Simply because my program gave perfect output. It was a simple thing to take an input of a year, and determine if it's a leap year.

This is not as simple as it sounds. Apparently, every fourth year is a leap year, unless it is also divisible by 100. The exception to that, are years in increments of 400. So 2000 is a leap year, but 1900 wasn't, and 2100 won't be. Who knew?

I have one thing to be joyful for, though, with Computer Science. Test this week + no classes on Monday = No lab, and No assignment due this week. Nothing due in Physics, or English either. The last German vocab test for the term is on Friday, and I still have a Math assignment, but it doesn't look too rough.

So this short week, will be that much easier.

Now, I wonder if I can coerce Catherine, Greg and/or Mark into going to Starbucks with me ...

Actually, scratch that. I need groceries.

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