13 November 2006

Flame Warriors

On the Relevant Forums, somebody necroposted a topic about this website. While necroposting normally sucks, I was glad for it this time, because I didn't catch the site the first time around.

It got me to thinking about the old Canadians for Christ forums, and what happened there. There was what one might call an Armageddon of a Flame War, spread out among half a dozen threads. In the end, the forum lay in smoldering ruins, and the founder of the forum shut it down.

It might be a bit presumptuous of me to say this, but I think I might have been the Godzilla that started the whole thing. I mean, the forum was on shakey foundations from the beginning, but I really ignited the whole Flame-war, I think, and fought through it to the end.

Now CFC is back. It's pretty dull right now. VERY slow. But I'm going to get back into it. Some of those guys were pretty cool, and maybe it'll come back to what it once was.

I don't know if I could classify my current Flame-Warrior status either right now. Maybe I'll mull it over a bit.

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