16 November 2006

It Was Supposed To Be Meaningful

So. This post was supposed to be meaningful in some way, but I already know it won't be.

I've got the go-ahead to buy Call of Duty 3, so Specker, watch out. Or rather, world, watch out. Speck, we've got to get some team deathmatch on the go.

My iPod earbuds broke today. The ones that came with it. Overuse? Yeah. I bought new Sony ones, expecting a brand like Sony to be something I like, where Centrios, or whatever, would not be. It's going to take getting used to. It doesn't have the full sound the original earbuds had, and I managed to waste ten minutes on equalizer settings to compensate. It didn't work.

I have a Math assignment due tomorrow. I'm half done. I'm going the rest now.

I may go to a movie tomorrow. Stranger Than Fiction, perhaps?

Also, SASF is going to the YFM service this week. Should be good, since there are people I like who go to YFM instead of SASF. Afterwards, SASFers are going to go downtown for some outreach until 2 a.m. I plan to go. Hopefully other awesome dudes do too.

I'm afraid I'm not going to get enough time to hang with the members of Air Mattress Experience before some of them move on to Alberta. Well, one of them at least. This fear must never be realized.

I had one final point, but I've forgotten it reflecting on how awesome I am. Or rather, how awesome my family is.

I will get Guitar Hero. I played it for the first time tonight. Got through Cowboys from Hell and loved every second of it. Genius. Game. These are the kinds of people who made me want to get into the games industry.

Finally, I've been reflecting on Siberia. Seems like a cool place. Temperature wise at least. Also, this huge concern of "meet girls" really let me go this week. It'll come, it'll come. I won't have to work too hard to find a woman to match my life, God's got one planned, I'm sure.

I'm excited to hang with Mark, Greg, Catherine, Meghan, and the gang too. They seem crazy enough.

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