28 January 2007


I have a strange relationship with this song.

Way back in what must have been Junior High, I sort of liked a girl named Eileen. Nobody could blame me for that. She was pretty cool. Anyways, I asked my friend Adam for her email adress, so I could start talking to her on MSN. Because, you know, that's just a safe thing to do.

Adam gives me an address and I add it to MSN. I spend months talking to 'Eileen' like this. During the discourse the topic of favorite songs came up. She mentions Oasis' Wonderwall, and sends it to me. I listen to it and fall in love with it.

One day in school I decide to mention this to Eileen, how much I love the song.

"What song?" she asks.

"Wonderwall!" I reply.

"Wonderwall? Hey, yeah, that is a nice song ... "

"That's your favorite song ... isn't it?"

"No. I don't know what my favorite song is." She spent the next few minutes throwing out possibilities.

Adam had given me Victoria's email.

On purpose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! No matter how many times you say that, I don't think I'll ever remember that.
I'll say thig though: I'm honestly sorry.