08 January 2007

Course Changes and C. Z. Kuo

After looking around for courses on the MUN Site, I think I might actually switch out of Math into either "Early Christian Thought: The First Five Centuries" or "Apocalypse: The End Times" ... both Religious Studies courses which scares me a little, but what can you do?

I've also checked out a few of my professors on RateMyProfessors.com. I can't believe that my (soon to be ex) Math teacher doesn't have any Quotes up. From the blog of Meagan White ...

"My professor is a hilarious little Chinese(I think) guy whom we are to refer to as C. Z.. "The 3 is a sheet destuba*, so we get rid of it." Oh, that class is going to be fun."

Yep, he's Chinese. He's hilarious. He made me reconsider dropping math, for sheer enjoyment. His lecture on derivatives went something like this.

"The Derivative is a tool. I call it a knife. Like Japanese shinsu** knife. Chop chop. Very sharp. ...

This function is beautiful. It like beautiful woman. Brittney Spears ...

So we take the knife, and we swing at beautiful B.S. and we chop off tip of her nose. So we have deformed Brittney Spears, and little piece of Brittney Spears on the floor ... "

I can't even do him justice, seriously. I love how he described the Integral as crazy glue, afterwards, and we put the tip of "Beautiful B.S." back on.

And then about how the derivative is like an angry mother, who is chasing a little boy (apparently with the knife mentioned before, on a mission for blood). But the integral is like the old grandfather, who gives candy. When they meet, the mother punishes the boy, but the grandfather gives candy, so nothing is really learned from the whole process.

Again, I just can't do him justice.

* actual phrase used was "Shit Disturber" I've been informed

** I don't know the spelling of the word, but they're the cooking knives that the crazy Japanese chefs use. You know, like when they throw a red pepper into the air, and manage to carve it into a miniature Venus de Milo before it hits the grill.

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