29 January 2007

When Did I Change Lanes?

I was thinking today about how much my thinking has changed in the past year.

A year ago I held Arts students in contempt. This year I am an arts student. While my contempt was mostly for fine arts students, it was mostly based on throwing away an education for a "profession" that'll be useless for putting bread on the table. Now I'm a Philosophy student, and though I'm not planning on pursuing it to this level, Philosophy PhDs are the most unemployed post-graduate degrees out there.

I used to be a bit more of a pessimist, I think. I'd consider myself an optimist today though. But that's come with an idealism that I'd have hated a year ago. I often find myself chanting slogans like "To Love is to Live" under my breath while walking around school. The world isn't like that, I know, but it just rings true to me.

There are a hundred smaller things too. I've become more social, and yet I've become a tiny bit more serious about school. I've become more scriptural in my thinking too. My philosophy on dating or whatever has changed a bit, and technology has taken a slightly lower key role in my life (despite the fact that I have more of it now).

I dunno what's going on. I can't say I don't like the change, since we're talking about who I am right now, and that's a person I like a bit more than the yesterday-me. It's just that ... a year ago, I'd have laughed if you told me who I'd be today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, sort of.

I always thought I'd be a doctor or an engineer or something scientific, and if someone told me I'd be doing an English major with a history minor, and only 4 courses this semester, I would have been offended and insulted.

Turns out God uses Arts students, too.

Welcome to our side, my friend.
