19 October 2006

So I was walking home from my Physics lab tonight, and I got to thinking about the book I've begun to read. It's all about the perfect society for the human race. Essentially it boils down to Capatalist Democracy. The point is that the ideal of a Capitalist Democracy is perfect. Obviously the execution is flawed.

After mulling over it a little bit, I've decided that a Christian Theocracy, with a free market would be the "perfect society." My original struggle was that we don't seem to be made for that. Why would that be a perfect society, if humans don't fit it.

But then I remembered that perfect man would be a humble man. When Karl Marx marched towards communism (not something he realized, but oh well) he did so boldly. When the French Revolution established Democracy as we know it, they did so boldly.

So that was a fun little "eureka" to have in my head. I need to keep a notepad with me when I walk, because there were finer points I wanted to blog about, but between then and walking up my stairs, they were all lost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh,
How are you doing ... missing you lots! Check out dwayne and shianna's site again ... they spoke of the Star Wars comment you made. dwayneshianna.blogspot.com

See you soon.