12 April 2007

Exam Time (Seriously, you Guys)

I'm actually buckling down for exam time.

I'm 70% done my Philosophy paper, and haven't started my Religious studies yet. I've got a German exam at 3 today, and I've been doing flash cards since 10 this morning. Brief break for some web-surfing and lunch later. Then another 2 hours of study, do the test, and start reading for Psychology.

Hopefully I won't have to do any paper writing on Saturday, but that's my spill day. I have no plans for the afternoon, so if I need extra time for work, that's it. After supper some people are coming over for Risk! too. Exiting times much?

I can't wait to have complete control over my reading schedule for 4 months. I just picked up two books which I am excited to start once I plow through the stack I've got now. I bought Søren Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling, and Herodotus' The Histories, which (among other things) re-accounts the Greco-Persian war. Awesome!

Not sure where the summer will take me yet. It looks like I can do the camp thing if I want the job, but 5 weeks of employment isn't going to be very much money. I hate to make it about the money of course, but that's a big deal since I've got to pay part of my own way next year.

Anybody know of a place that will hire me for one month? (May 27th - June 23rd) Hey, it's worth a shot asking.

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