18 February 2007

Music and the Chinese New Year


Nemo had listened to the song more than ten times before the lyrics hit him.

"They lied when they said the good die young."

He wasn't dead. If he wasn't "good" already, he swore then to make sure he became good. He would make the lyric true.

"Now to determine what 'good' is ... " Nemo muttered to himself in an empty house.


So, last night there was a Chinese New Year event at MUN. I have to say, it was a blast. The food was a plus. I don't really like Chinese food, but it was actually pretty good last night. It all got eaten, at any rate.

Then the entertainment was good too. The lion dance was nicer to watch than I'd have expected MUN to have. Then comedians chattering in Mandarin, Chinese music, and lots of dance. Tai Chi too. I want to learn that, it'd be pretty cool.

New jeans in the next few days, and possibly a book (I'm almost finished Plato's Republic). Also, YFM retreat next weekend. Too bad I'll be missing cousin's night. I'll make it up some other time.

I'm hoping random things will continue to happen this week.

And I hope that this feeling of dread: the idea that I'll never achieve today's dreams, will fade away quickly. I don't care how impossible they are, they're going to happen.

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