21 January 2007

Retreat and Regroup

So the SASF retreat is pretty much over now. There's one service left tonight, but the shenanigans are finished, and I have to say that the whole thing, while uplifting, depressed me a little bit.

Allow me an explanation.

The whole weekend was great. There were jokes, there were games, and despite a bit of a down spell on Friday night for me, it was great fun. Saturday night saw 30+ of us sit around a fireplace and have a devotion/prayer time. Probably one of the more incredible things that's happened for me in the past few months.

But as soon as it was over, I realized that it was over. I've got this incredible desire to be part of a community, and there are so many awesome people at SASF, I wish we could have that elevated level of community for more than one weekend a semester. I mean, we're always a community, yeah, but the spiritual aspect really exploded last night, and I want that. I want that more than anything else I have ever wanted before.

So that depressed me a little that it doesn't seem like I can have that, you know? As in, it's "achievable," but doesn't happen nearly as much as I'd like.

Highlights for me:
- Sitting on the stairs with Jeremy, Mark, and (I think) Heidi, just chatting.
- Sitting with Zack and others singing choruses at 2 a.m.
- Listening to an incredibly trivial, but incredibly entertaining conversation between Jordan and Andrew (Richard).
- Seeing stars! (Oh St. John's, how I hate your sky.)


Jillian said...

The conversation between Jord and Androe was the highlight of the weekend for me.

Funny how little things make the biggest impressions.

Tammy Williams said...

I loved SASF retreats. I think I even have one on video here somewhere. Fun times at MUN! I think I stayed up for 36 hours at retreat once. I was VERY dilusional after that!