26 January 2007

Much Writing and Speech

Life lately has consisted of much writing. Writing papers for school, resumes to get a job, and now a testimony-sort thing for an application I'm writing out.

Ugh. Why must there be so much writing on the go?

I enjoy having things written, but the process of writing is pretty crappy, I'm not going to lie to you.

Another thing I've noticed is just how much my speech is influenced by those around me. The last statement of the previous paragraph is an example. "I'm not going to lie to you" is a phrase that Greg used hardcore right before he went back to Ontario.

Also an incorrect use of the phrase "As if" has been grafted into my speech. An example would be "As if you just said that!" or "As if we're talking about this." Perhaps "As if you just said 'as if!'"

I think it's come to mean "I cannot believe."

I also took the lord's name seriously in vain there today. I was scared crapless by a car flying by at high speed mere centimeters from my leg. The phrase that escaped my lips was probably the more surprising than the incident, though.


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