14 August 2006

Early Work and X Box Supremacy

Well I'll probably be going to bed a mite earlier tonight, for the simple fact that I'm working tomorrow at 6, which means I have to be up at 5.

It's not so bad. I'm working for 5 hours, and only 2 of those hours I have to really deal with customers, so that's good. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind serving customers, but they're tiring sometimes.

Something else about Staples: We sold our 2nd X Box 360 on Sunday. We got them weeks ago as a promotion to have kids dragging their parents into the store, so we can trap them and force them to spend money on other things. It's actually a good deal, despite it not working in it's intended way. Ten dollars cheaper than even EB Games. Take that Meagan. Staples is expensive my big toe!

Speaking of the X Box 360, I'm glad to report that even Official Play Station Magazine editors are defecting. I have this inherent hatred for Sony, even though I have no reason for such loathing. X Box 360 might not be technically as powerful as the PS3 is forecasted to be, but that only really matters if a developer takes time to put the extra effort in. Simply: nobody does, so 360 and ps3 seem to be evenly matched.

I will eventually want to buy a Play Station 3, so it's not like I'm a die-hard Microsoft zealot. The thing is Sony has made alot of mistakes lately, regarding it's 'entertainment machine,' and I want to be there to point and laugh.

And though I'm no zealot, I am a pretty big X Box fanboy. I can admit to that.

Finally: Because a certain person has informed me that she skims my blog, and I'm sure many do, I will add the following section to longer posts.


- I'm working early tomorrow.
- X Box 360s are cheaper at Staples
- Staples is not overpriced
- OPM Editors like the X Box 360
- I dislike Sony
- I will probably eventually buy ps3
- I love X Box
- Skimmers make my life harder (=P)


Meagan said...

Much appreciated. But I read it all this time. The Staples vs. Reasonably Priced Retail Store debate caught my attention.


Anonymous said...

do 360's at staples come with warenty?

Josh said...

360s come with 1 year warranty through Microsoft.

You can get an extended service plan (to extend coverage to 2 or more years) through staples, but that's extra ($45/year I think?).