So this is going to end up being a picture post for the weekend. I'm wasting time before I have to mow the lawn.

This is a shot taken down the beach from "Nan's." The wharf in the foreground is the neighbour's, and in the background is "Nan's." The end of the latter wharf looked like it was about to fall off, so I was wary of going out there for the first half of the weekend. It's strong enough to hold me and meagan, though, so it seems good enough. I really like this picture too.

This is a shot of Norris Point from "Nan's." There was a ferry that went across, that I wanted to get on, but circumstances wouldn't allow. In all honesty, I'd probably kick myself for going over there anyways, since there's not much there.

The afforementioned ferry. This one apparently costs $30/ride. There's another one that costs $6/ride, but we couldn't find that one. Besides, by the time we were ready to try it, we would have been 1730 before we got back to Woody Point. Problematic since we actually left at about 1400.

A nice little water-fall-ish thing I found near the neighbour's property. It looks so much nicer in person.

It rained too. Sarah and Meagan got some yellow ponchos for $1.49! I didn't wear mine, but the two girls had a good time petending to be lemons, or banannas, or chicks, or something. I didn't get a picture of them dancing, which is too bad, really.

It was a weekend of much picture-taking, except for Sarah forgot to charge her camera, which died pretty early into the first day. Meagan's and my own cameras died later, but since ours take regular batteries, picture-taking continued.

We decided to have a fire, and found this sign. Below it is a pile of wood bundles. Sarah thought it was so trusting, we took a picture. When I went to PAY for the wood, all I had was a $5 bill. I tried to stuff it through the slot on the "Money House," but it wouldn't go in. Then I discovered it wasn't even locked! So I just lifted the cover, and threw in my money. An old man watched from the shed in the extreme right of the picture, sipping his beer. I like to think he had a laugh at three teenagers taking pictures of something so simple.

Saturday, after supper, Meagan's Nan decided to go fishing. We all expected her to wait for us to be outside to leave, or something (I don't know why we expected this, but whatever). After I finished brushing my teeth, I looked into the girls' room, where they were lazing around on the beds. Something caught my eye out the window, and upon a second look, it was Nan, already 50 feet out in the water! After a shouted conversation with Meagan, she assured us that she wouldn't be going far, since "One of the oars is broken." Well that certainly aleviated Meagan's fear. Not. The picture above, are the spoils of said fishing trip.

This is a picture of Sarah and myself on the wharf, after catching fish. I cought a total of three Conners (spelling?) the weekend, and Sarah, I belive cought two. Meagan didn't catch anyhthing on a rod (she didn't really try, I don't think), but she managed to snag a total of 4 crabs in the Conner trap.
It was overall a great time. My biggest regret is that I didn't get a picture of "Nan" or the house. It was such an aweosme little house, apparently 120 years old. "Nan" was pretty cool too, despite the harassing me while playing cards.
Meagan and I also discovered something the weekend, that we can thank "Nan" and Sarah for. The louder you cheat at 120s, the less people care. Sarah and Nan would be blatantly talking about what they have, and what to do, while playing, and nobody cared, though as soon as Meagan or I gestured across the table, we were labled cheaters! Wait, WHAT?
I should also mention that
Meagan has done a post on the weekend, and I suspect
Sarah might soon too, so if you want to see more pictures, or another side of the story, check out their blogs.
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