I have an addiction I am too poor to explore. And it's not heroin.
I love T Shirts. I'm going to post a few of my favourite ones that I've found, and why I love them. Just because.

This is the first of several designs from
Randomshirts.com that I love. I don't even know if I can explain it. It says "I'm a fan of military
aviation, and I'm buff."

Another one from RandomShirts.com. I remember when y2k was a big deal. I was 12 years old. The zone on YTV was all about how penguins would take over the earth. Good times. And I actually
did survive y2k, so there!

This one is so incredibly lame, you have to love it. It also reminds me of Sarah W.

Because breaking up is so difficult. And Pangea rocks. It didn't look like that though, I'm pretty sure, but the point is made.

Just because everybody seems to love Ninjas. It's also pretty geek, but there it is.

These shirts from
A Different Direction are all of a more serious nature. I love the designs anyways. I'm not sure I entirely like my theology being reduced to a T Shirt design, but the designs are pretty nifty. This one reminds me of Elvis.

A great design, with a bit more subtle a Christian message. I think this might be my favourite from A Different Direction.

This one is awesome, despite being a pony. I love the book of proverbs, and I love King Solomon. Appropriately, I love this shirt.

Another great one, with the scripture verse right on it.

This one's a good one too. Not much to say about it though.

Another great one. I think I like this mostly because I like peanut-butter cups. And orange is my favourite colour.

The next 22 (No, I'm not kidding, nobody said you had to read it all) T Shirts are from
ThinkGeek.com. Because they are inherently geeky, I cannot garuentee you'll understand it all. Like this Geek Love Poem. If you don't already get it, you probably never will. I actually have this T Shirt somewhere, but I can't find it.

I want this shirt, because I know what it means. However, it'd be stupid of me to get it before I actually saw the movie
Soylent Green. I'll have to track it down when I go to St. Johns.

I belive this also comes from a movie I need to see. But I forget the name of it. If I remember correctly, a computer is in charge of America's national defense, wielding Nuclear weapons. However, a young programmer sets it up to play chess against itself in it's downtime. These chess matches against itself teach it that "The Only Winning Movie Is Not To Play," and the computer doesn't start a Nuclear Holocoust. I think that's how it went.

Just 'cuz. If I ever get lost in the universe, then aliens will know
what I am.

Also just 'cuz. If an alien gets lost in the universe, and sees my T Shirt on Earth, they'll know where they
are. I also have this shirt somewhere. I need to find it, it's so awesome.

I just love the Power Symbol. I want to get a bandanna with this on it too. They do exist.

Maybe not somethign I'd wear, but still a neat design. I laughed when i first saw what the acronym "Stood" for.

Not the greatest shirt, but I thought it was funny. Maybe I'm wierd.

"Frag" is a term coming from "Fragmentation," in such contexts as "Fragmentation Grenade." To "Frag" someone in a Video Game, is to kill them. Even though the original context suggests explosives, "Frag" today is nonspecific as to how the death is achieved.

Again, if you don't get it already, you probably never will. Though I
aim to serve.

The pictured person is Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo fame. Creator of Mario, Donkey Kong, and many, many, many others. He's generally regarded as a cultivator of innovation, and thus a revolutionary in the Video Game Industry. Great shirt. Great shirt.

The text says "Play Old Games" if you can't see. Aah, remember cartridges, that would get dusty? I want to get an old school Nintendo now.

NPC stands for Non Player Character. The text in the top right says "Ask me about our Chain-Mail and Broadsword sale." It's a Video Game thing.

Because I do. And you should too. (Jack Thompson is a Miami-based Anti-Video-Game-Zeallot. Quite honestly he might be the biggest moron I've ever heard speak, and that's not
just my bias speaking)

Because Gordon Freeman uses a Crobar.

Because Pong rocks.

Apparently it says "Respect the Emperor, Expel the Foreign Barbarians." But I don't know Japanese, so I can't say for sure.

Because Einstein just rocks oh-so-much.

Because they do, and you have the right to know it.

Penny Arcade rocks.

Because he
IS! (Joss Whedon is the man behind

Aah, the greatest band that never was. (a PvP joke)
And that's about it. I think I'm just going to link a few things and go to bed. It's 0018 right now, and I have to work at 0900!
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