10 August 2006

Film Frenzy

So I've been going nuts lately about movies. I want to re-watch some favourites, and seek out some great new films to watch.

Perfect for news of the Halo movie (releasing in 2008) to come out. The director's been identified. Neill Blomkamp. What a name eh? Well I've never heard of the bugger, but I've certainly read alot lately.

He hasn't done any feature-length films yet, so Halo will be his first. But I'm honestly not worried, for what I've seen of his work in the past half hour. Remember that dancing robot car commercial? Our friend Mr. Blomkamp was behind that.

I've been shown three other short videos he's done. The one that excites me most, is probably this one shown below called Tetra Vaal, a fictional ad, for a ficitonal product, made by a fictional company. Just watch and see, I like it alot.

These other two look excelent as well. Alive in Joburg is my personal second-favourite. I can't even really explain it. It looks so gritty, and seems so real. Imagine if this happened to South Africa.

Finally is Yellow, basically a video made for a Nike ad campaign. It looks like it'd make an interesting, if cliched feature length film.

If he can pull the same sort of stuff from those videos out of his butt for Master Chief, I will be a very, VERY happy camper next summer.

In the meantime, videos I plan on re-watching soon: Jurrassic Park, The Star Wars Trillogy (original 3), and 2001 a Space Oddesy. If anybody would like to watch with me, let me know, and we can make a plan. I particularly would like company for 2001 a Space Oddesy, but I must warn whoever is interested, that it is a very SLOW movie. Classic though, and very artsy.

I suppose I'm done for now. Speaking of movies I'm going to see Somethingorother Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby tonight, with Aaron, and possibly others. The trailer I watched has me worried it's going to be a bit crude, and swear-y, but what else am I going to do tonight?

Finally, speaking of swear-y movies and such, I've noticed something. After every curse in Crash, I sort of mentally shook my head, but in Band of Brothers, it was different. With the exception of one sex scene in Band of Brothers, I let everything slide. I sort of understand WHY that is, but I found it interesting none-the-less.

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