03 October 2007


My Chinese Philosophy professor (A professor of Chinese philosophy, not a Chinese professor of philosophy) regularly makes me feel like it's my fault the world is going down the tubes. There was a specific day I remember when she pointed out that our culture seems to think anything on a screen is " ... true, and important, and good."

She assumed we didn't believe it. So she pointed out "How many of you have these stupid blogs?" A pause. "Why? 'Well, my thoughts are on a screen, that means they're important.'"

I don't agree with many of her thoughts, but she challenges me, and at the very least makes me think about what I'm getting on with.

So, without further delay, I get to my first blog post in over a month. Nobody even checks this place anymore, do they?

A lot has happened. I realized that as I thought about what I'm passionate about tonight. If I had to give an answer right now, it would be 'Communication.' Meeting people, and being able to communicate ideas and feelings. Communication for the sake of something bigger, like philosophy or theology, or Communication for the sake of communication.

I'm taking German still. Not doing terrific in it, but I'm getting by. I love it. I'm also doing Ancient Greek this term. Again, I'm doing terrible, but so far I'm getting by. And I'm enjoying it, despite the hard time I'm having.

How proficient do you have to be before you can count yourself as having a second language? I was wondering that the other day, because I don't call myself bilingual, while I have friends that do, because they can ask where the bathroom is in French.

I've been realizing, also, that I'm a lot more proficient in German than I thought I was.

It's great.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Josh I still read your blog (if that counts). In fact I look forward to seeing a new one there when I open it up. You might want to check with Stelios on the Ancient Greek stuff. If he can't help you with that, I'm sure he can make you bilingual (in Greek). But it may take a while (Ha).

Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts, Josh.

Keep writing because I also enjoy dropping in on your blog once in a while.

Stephen Harper