16 October 2007

My Ahumanism

I had a conversation with David a while back about faith. He said something that struck me, when he stated that he was more confident in the existence of God, than in his own existence. A strong statement. And after considering it, it's a conviction that I share.

It's long been known to me where my faith falls. It's not faith in God. It's my faith in man that is shaken.

I know it's not wise to put faith into anything as shaky as the human experience, but if I don't have at least a little faith, nothing will ever get done. How can I build a relationship if I don't believe in those with whom I am dealing?

The whole thing is a mess. I can't even get into what I want to say right now ... I don't know what I want to say, much less how to say it. If you've got the time, just pray that I won't be such a moron with these things.

I'm getting exhausted with constant thinking. A break would be nice. Which means it's sleep time.

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