05 October 2006

Weeping Hearts

If the world was how it should be
Maybe I could get some sleep.
While I lay, I dream we're better
Scales were gone and faces ligher
When we wake, we hate our brother
We still move to hurt each other
Sometimes I can close my eyes
And all the fear that keeps me silent
Falls below my heavy breathing

I'm still sort of recoiling from Sarah's Blog post "Message behind the Music."

Because the last half of the post was exactly what has been on my heart for a while now.

I suspect it's on everyone's heart.

Well, everyone who has one.

People are being killed. People are being silenced. People live in fear. People live alone. People are not living like kings. People are not living like me.

And what are we doing?

I met a girl at Steve's the other day. She's taking a year off before University. She's going on a missions trip for 6 months. She's got the right idea.

I thought "I wish I had thought of that." But then I realized, that if I saw these things first hand. If I could reach out and touch the crying child, if I could smell the burning flesh, if I could see everything as it is, unprotected by a Television Screen, ...

I might not come back.

My heart is breaking right now. I want to end injustice. I want to feed the hungry. I want to serve a fallen humanity, but I feel like I'm supposed to learn first.

How many will die because there isn't an extra hand passing out food for four years, while I persue some useless degree. How many will be saved by a Computer Science degree? Can we afford to wait?

No comments to this one please. If you ABSOULUTELY need to disagree with me, you all have my email (kingbobv3ATgmailDOTcom).

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