18 April 2007


I sit here at my kitchen table. In Corner Brook.

Dad and I came over the highway on Sunday. There's just something about coming home. The way the highway enters Corner Brook ... there's no way to not be inspired. It was a clear night, and seeing the lights made me quite happy.

There's something that St. John's just didn't have. Or rather, it did have. It was claustrophobic. You can look out into the distance and see the hills, or another building or whatever, but nothing meaningful. When I go into "my" Tim Horton's here, though, you can see so much. You can see everything.

I've been thinking over the past day or so, about my friends from St. John's, and elsewhere. I want to show them this place so much. Corner Brook rocks. This isn't some revelation, or grand wisdom that University life has taught me. It's like when you're cold for a long time, and then come into the heat. It means so much more to be room temperature after being cold, than if you were room temperature the whole time.

In other news, the wicked summer plans that I had have gone straight down the tubes without much more than a whimper. I expected as much, but had held out. I would like to make it clear that I do not believe this is the right decision, but I'm going to have to live with it. It's done now. Time to make the most of the latest shovelful of crap.


Tammy Williams said...

Are you still going to Haiti with your mom?

Josh said...

Yup, that's still on, but Camp was a big deal too.

Whatever though, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately life is full of "shovelfuls of crap" as you put it. You just have to know which shovels to use for manure for growing and which to flush down the toilet!

Anonymous said...

As your other aunt so eloquently put it (NOT), sometimes what you consider crap is not that at all. It's just a bit of "tough love". We all (especially your parents) want what's best for you and that will from time to time include things that you don't necessarily agree with. You're a great guy Josh. Remember: "All things work together for good....."
Aunt Glenda

Josh said...

Parents are fallible, as am I. I maintain that the current course of action is not necessarily the best one.

That's all I'm saying.