31 July 2006

New Blog

Well, folks, here is the new blog. I’ve been talking about switching for some time, and now I’ve finally done it.

Forgive me if there are some tweaks over the next while. Who knows, I might have a new blog in a week. All I can do is jump on this, and hope it works well.

The primrary reason for the change is because MSN spaces has frustrated me a little bit lately. Between it being down every day, and not being able to add HTML or anything, it’s frustrating. Now all I have to do is figure out how to use all those things I wanted to! Also, I tried to get something on WordPress, but got too frustrated with it. Tried blogsome, and discovered that's another name for WordPress. I finally gave up, and crawled back to Blogger.

Who can I ask to help with a new template? I don't like any of the default ones that much. I want a picture for a header. I'm not as big of a geek as people think. I wish that weren't so!

Also, just to be clear: Bethany is a place, not a person. It’s where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. It popped to my head today, so it’s the name of my blog for now. We’ll see how long that lasts. If anybody’s got a better idea, comment here with it!